World War I
Free Lesson Plans, Games, Powerpoints
For Teachers
Lesson Plans by Mr. Donn
The Lusitania and Submarine Warfare
Propaganda & Propaganda Posters, World War I
American Industry in World War I, converting civilian factories to production of war materials
Treaty of Versailles, simulation, classroom negotiation (group activity)
Lesson Plans by other teachers
The Debate in the United States over the League of Nations
Fighting for Peace, the Fate of Wilson's 14 Points
Great War, WWI, evaluating the Treaty of Versailles, lesson plan
What is the lasting impact of World War I? lesson plan, classroom activity
Lesson Plans by the National War Museum for Middle School and High School
Outstanding Lesson Plans, with handouts and PowerPoints, including- The Impact of Animals During WWI
- Austrian Heir and His Wife Murdered in Bosnian Capital
- How Technology Changed the Way WWI Was Fought
- Civil Liberties in American During WWI
- German-Americans in WWI: Facing Challenges at Home
- The United States Enters the War: Weighing Decisions to Enter the War
- Patriotism: Analyzing Over 60 Primary Source Propaganda Posters that called America to Action During WWI
- And More
For Kids
Interactives, Animations, Videos, for Kids

Explore American History
For Kids and Teachers
Creating a New Nation
- New World Explorers
- Native Americans in Olden Times
- The 13 Colonies
- Road to Revolution
- The American Revolution
Creating a New Government
Western Expansion
- Jefferson and theNew Republic
- Louisiana Purchase
- Lewis & Clark
- War of 1812
- Monroe Doctrine
- Manifest Destiny
- The Oregon Trail
- Wagon Trains
- Pioneer Life & Frontier Life
- Trail of Tears
- The Alamo 1836, Texas Revolution
- Mexican - American War 1846-1848
- Gold Rush
Brink of the Storm and the Civil War
- Events Leading up to the American Civil War
- The Industrial Revolution
- American Civil War - 1861-1865
- People of the Civil War - Lincoln, Davis, Grant, Lee, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Dred Scott and more
- 13th Amendment ending slavery forever
- Reconstruction, Carpetbaggers & Scalawags
- 14th & 15th Amendments
Growth in the West
The Nation Grows
World War I, The Great War
The Roaring 20s
The Great Depression
World War II
Slavery in America
Segregation for Kids - Civil Rights
US Holidays
QUIZZES - Interactive, with Answers for Student Review
For Teachers
Free for Classroom Use - American History Powerpoints and Presentations
American History Lesson Plans, Units, Activities, Projects for Teachers